

Name Type Description Notes
input_alias str link text following the viewPrefix as entered by the user. For example, if the view prefix is `go/` and the shortened URL is `go/abc`, then `abc` is the inputAlias. [optional]
description str A short, plain text blurb to help people understand the intent of the shortcut. [optional]
destination_url str destination URL for the shortcut. [optional]
created_by str Email of the user who created this shortcut. [optional]
create_time int The time the shortcut was created in epoch seconds. [optional]
updated_by str Email of the user who last updated this shortcut. [optional]
update_time int The time the shortcut was updated in epoch seconds. [optional]
any string name bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]

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