⚠️ This documentation pertains to a preview endpoint. This feature is not yet ready for API consumption and may change.
For inquiries or feedback, please contact us at Glean.

Recommend documents


Retrieve recommended documents for the given URL or Glean Document ID.

header Parameters

Auth type being used to access the endpoint (should be non-empty only for global tokens).

string <email>

Email address of a user on whose behalf the request is intended to be made (should be non-empty only for global tokens).

Request Body schema: application/json

Recommendations request


Hint to the server about how many characters long a snippet may be. Server may return less or more.


Hint to the server about how many results to send back. Server may return less or more. Structured results and clustered results don't count towards pageSize.

object or object or object (DocumentSpec)
object (RecommendationsRequestOptions)
object (SessionInfo)
object (Document)
string <date-time>

The ISO 8601 timestamp associated with the client request.


A previously received trackingToken for a search associated with the same query. Useful for more requests and requests for other tabs.



Response Schema: application/json
integer <int64>

Time in milliseconds the backend took to respond to the request.

object (ErrorInfo)
object (GeneratedQna)

A platform-generated request ID to correlate backend logs.

Array of objects (SearchResult)
object (SessionInfo)
Array of objects (StructuredResult)

A token that should be passed for additional requests related to this request (such as more results requests).


Accepted. The Retry-After header has a hint about when the response will be available


There are no recommendations for this URL


Invalid request


Not Authorized


Document does not exist or user cannot access document


Too Many Requests

Request samples
  • "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "trackingToken": "string",
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      • "HERO"
Response samples
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